Circumnavigating Alabama – Part 5

When I woke on Saturday, I surprised myself by being a little hungry. After all that I ate on Friday, I didn’t expect that, but I also knew that I’d be eating a little less on this day, and light salads for a couple of days after. I also surprised myself by sleeping as late as six, which is seven on my Eastern Standard Time clock and a couple of hours later than I normally rise. Still, I had about an hour to drive before lunch and five hours to kill, so I puttered around and played online and took a very leisurely morning. Eventually, I pulled on one of my Georgia Bulldogs T-shirts, checked out, went back to Jackson’s main street to photograph the restaurant where I was unable to eat the night previously, and wound my way down the road toward Mobile. Continue reading “Circumnavigating Alabama – Part 5”

The Original Oyster House, Mobile AL

About a year ago, I expressed a little petulant dismay that the first out-of-state restaurant that we featured on this blog was in Jacksonville, Florida, a town that I’d never visited before, in the state that I love to hate. A small part of that pouting came about because I had hoped to have one of my favorite places in Mobile, Alabama be the first out-of-Georgia eatery, or perhaps another great restaurant in that gulf coast town just packed with great restaurants. For many years, I have taken a Saturday in the spring to ride down to Mobile with my good friend Ric, who treks into Alabama twice a month from his place in Columbus to visit his son. Unfortunately, a combination of illness and bad scheduling meant that I didn’t get to go down to Mobile when it was convenient in 2010. So I was really looking forward to getting out of town for a day and making the ungodly trek down I-65, about which more in the next chapter, to this fabulous city, and spend some time catching up with my buddy, of whom I don’t see nearly enough. It’s a haul; sure, I only drive the leg from my place to Columbus and back, but the whole thing is 750 miles in a day. It’s best to break it up with a couple of meals and visiting some good people along the way. Continue reading “The Original Oyster House, Mobile AL”